14th International Filmmor Women's Film Festival on Wheels

March 15 - 18, 2016

This year’s 14th International Filmmor Women Film Festival on Wheels is focusing on the motto “Femicide is Preventable: Women’s Solidarity Keeps Women Alive.”

The annual festival, continues to share women’s experiences and hopes, visions and dreams by means of cinema.

March 15

12:00 Coria and the Sea

15:00 Justice For Sale

17:00 No Burqas Behind Bars

19:00 Invoking Justice

March 16

12:00 Private Violence

15:00 An

17:00 Young Sophie Bell

19:00 Nahid

March 18

12:00 An

15:00 Second Mother

17:00 Suffragette

19:00 Dreamcatcher

Justice For Sale

Justice For Sale

No Burqas Behind Bars

No Burqas Behind Bars

Invoking Justice

Invoking Justice

Private Violence

Private Violence



 Second Mother

Second Mother







Coria and the Sea

Coria and the Sea

Young Sophie Bell

Young Sophie Bell

 Who Is Pablo Picasso?

Who Is Pablo Picasso?

Born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain, Pablo Picasso’s full name takes about two lines: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso.

Five Unmissable Istanbul Paintings of Félix Ziem

Five Unmissable Istanbul Paintings of Félix Ziem

Félix Ziem is accepted as one of the well-known artists of the romantic landscape painting, and has been followed closely by art lovers and collectors of all periods since. He had a profound influence on generations of artists after him, and was the first artist whose works were acquired by the Louvre while he was still alive.

Remembering the Future

Remembering the Future

How can the future be imagined by looking at a collection or an archive? The lasting quality of ceramics allows us to ponder how the future might be remembered through a ceramics collection, since they render conceivable time eternal.