Filmmor Women's Film Festival
12th International Filmmor Women's Film Festival on Wheels

March 16 - 23, 2014

The independent International Filmmor Women's Film Festival on Wheels, which organized by women for the women, which does not have any links but solidarity, is to get a start for the 12th time in Istanbul and for the first time in Adana, Mersin and Bodrum, Mugla.

Focusing on the theme “A Purse, An Income, A Budget of Her Own” this year, the festival will cover 60 films from 22 countries, thematic screenings and retrospectives as well as opening and closing ceremonies, panel discussions, workshops and discussions.

A new section will meet with the audience this year: Kaleidoscope. While the festival had screened the films of women directors only until this year, this new section will host a male director and his film to have a discussion on.

Filmmor Women’s Cooperative, established exclusively by women in 2003 and open only to women, is here to do cinema, to contest, to produce, to dream and to act for women, together with women!

Screenings can be seen with a discounted museum ticket (5 TL). No reservations taken. 

March 16

13:30 Short Films 1

17:30 My Beautiful Country

19:30 Jin

March 18

13:30 Don’t Shoot the Messenger

15:30 Dolls Can’t Cry

17:30 Mohtarama

March 19

13:30 Silky

15:30 Salma

March 20

13:30 Tokyo’s Belly

15:30 The Present Tense

17:30 How to Lose Your Virginity

March 21

13:30 Hunger

15:30 Short Films 2

17:30 Watchtower

March 22

12:00 Eat Sleep Die

13:30 The Spoon Haters

17:30 Short Films3

March 23

13:30 Secret Subject

Short Films 1

Short Films 1

My Beautiful Country

My Beautiful Country

Don’t Shoot the Messenger

Don’t Shoot the Messenger

Dolls Can’t Cry

Dolls Can’t Cry







Tokyo’s Belly

Tokyo’s Belly

The Present Tense

The Present Tense

How to Lose Your Virginity

How to Lose Your Virginity



Short Films 2

Short Films 2



Eat Sleep Die

Eat Sleep Die

The Spoon Haters

The Spoon Haters

Short Films3

Short Films3

Secret Subject

Secret Subject



Program Trailer

Filmmor Women's Film Festival
12th International Filmmor Women's Film Festival on Wheels

Focusing on the theme “A Purse, An Income, A Budget of Her Own” this year, the festival will cover 60 films from 22 countries, thematic screenings and retrospectives as well as opening and closing ceremonies, panel discussions, workshops and discussions.

Jean-Michel Basquiat Look At Me!

Jean-Michel Basquiat Look At Me!

The exhibition “Look At Me! Portraits and Other Fictions from the ”la Caixa” Contemporary Art Collection” examined portraiture, one of the oldest artistic genres, through a significant number of works of our times. Paintings, photographs, sculptures and videos shaped a labyrinth of gazes that invite spectators to reflect themselves in the social mirror of portraits.

“My body is my sculpture” <br> Louise Bourgeois

“My body is my sculpture”
Louise Bourgeois

Pera Museum, in collaboration with Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV), is one of the main venues for this year’s 15th Istanbul Biennial from 16 September to 12 November 2017. Through the biennial, we will be sharing detailed information about the artists and the artworks. 

Giacometti in Paris

Giacometti in Paris

The second part of exhibition illustrates Alberto Giacometti’s relations with Post-Cubist artists and the Surrealist movement between 1922 and 1935, one of the important sculptures series he created during his first years in Paris, and the critical role he played in the art scene of the period.