Director: Dave Markey
USA, English with Turkish
subtitles, 99’, 1992, oolor
Dave Markey’s documentary, 1991:
The Year Punk Broke, follows one of the most influential bands of all time,
Sonic Youth through their European tour. During one of the band’s most
exciting tours, other historic bands such as Nirvana, Hole, Babes in
Toyland and legends like The Ramones join this adventure..
The exhibition Look at Me! Portraits and Other Fictions from the ”la Caixa” Contemporary Art Collection examines portraiture, one of the oldest artistic genres, through a significant number of works of our times. Through the exhibition we will be sharing about the artists and sections in “Look At Me!”.
Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday 10:00 - 22:00
Sunday 12:00 - 18:00
The museum is closed on Mondays.
On Wednesdays, the students can
visit the museum free of admission.
Full ticket: 200 TL
Discounted: 100 TL
Groups: 150 TL (minimum 10 people)