Director: Joe Berlinger
USA, South Africa; English with Turkish subtitles, 108', 2012, color

In Paul Simon's legendary album Graceland, you can easily feel the interactions from Simon's elapse time in South Africa and the discoveries he did there. Under African Skies, which documents Simon's comeback to South Africa to celebrate Graceland's 25th anniversary, is not only about the Paul Simon gig in the country. It also includes some worthy footage from old archives as well as the political backdrop in South Africa from the time the album was recorded.

No Distance Left to Run

No Distance Left to Run

Cure For Pain: The Mark Sandman Story

Cure For Pain: The Mark Sandman Story

Under African Skies

Under African Skies

Kill Your Idols

Kill Your Idols

1991: The Year Punk Broke

1991: The Year Punk Broke

RIP!: A Remix Manifesto

RIP!: A Remix Manifesto

Haack…The King of Techno

Haack…The King of Techno

Until the Light Takes Us

Until the Light Takes Us

The Source Family

The Source Family



Baby King

Baby King

1638, the year Louis XIV was born –his second name, Dieudonné, alluding to his God-given status– saw the diffusion of a cult of maternity encouraged by the very devout Anne of Austria, in thanks for the miracle by which she had given birth to an heir to the French throne. Simon François de Tours (1606-1671) painted the Queen in the guise of the Virgin Mary, and the young Louis XIV as the infant Jesus, in the allegorical portrait now in the Bishop’s Palace at Sens.

The Vanity of Small Differences

The Vanity of Small Differences

The Vanity of Small Differences is a series of six large scale tapestries, completed in 2012, which explore British fascination with taste and class, and can be seen in the Grayson Perry: Small Differences exhibition. 

Serpent Head

Serpent Head

The Greek god Apollo and his son Asklepios presided over the realm of medicine and healing. Apollo was also the god of light and sun, whose solar symbolism and association with medicine would become linked to Christ the Physician, and the resurrected.