Cecile Paris
Selected Videos

  • March 21, 2015 / 15:00
  • March 26, 2015 / 18:00

Born in 1970, Cecile Paris is an artist who sweeps the field of our common spaces, and through her films, photographs, collages and drawings, delivers a thousand possible interpretations, most often giving birth to a hypnotic strangeness where melancholy mixed with gentle rebellion hovers.

Founder of the label “Code de nuit”, a community project, she often works in collaboration with musicians, dancers, or choreographers. Notably, her videos are included in the collections of the Mac/Val (Museum of contemporary art Val-de-Marne) in Vitry-sur-Seine, and the Musée d’art moderne (Museum of Modern Art) in the city of Paris.

2002, 3’20’’, music: Ornella Vanoni, casa bianca

Black Beauty
2010, 2’10’’, cast: Pierre Giquel, music: Renaud Rudloft

2003, 3’’44,music: Charles Frandon, voix Cécile Paris

Le mal du pays
2006, 3’43’, cast: Sebastien Sanz de Santamaria,music: Cole Porter,
interpretation: Pete Fontain (1966), I love Paris

Le sens de la nuit
2008, 4’28’’, cast: Adrienne Alcover, Laurie Etourneau, Elodie Fradet, Berthine Gerbet, Pauline Jacquelin, Jeanne Moynot, Renaud Rudloft,music: Renaud Rudloft

Double V, train
4’28’’, 2015, cast: Guillaume Magre-Guilberto, Hugo Walsdorff, music: Renaud Rudloft

Après Mustafa
2014, 4’47’’, cast: Ahmed Aaras, music: Renaud Rudloft

To tell you
2008, 5’10’’, cast: Adrienne Alcover, music: Renaud Rudloft

Vision Vesoul
2013, 6’ , cast: Pierre Giquel, Françoise Rognerud, Florian Sicard, music: Renaud Rudloft

Double V, voiture
4’ 28’’, 2015, cast: Florian Sicard,music: Renaud Rudloft

The artist will be present at the March 21 screening.

Everyday Life

Everyday Life

The Film Of Questions

The Film Of Questions



The Affaire’s Prompter

The Affaire’s Prompter

Alan Vega, Just A Million Dreams

Alan Vega, Just A Million Dreams



Cecile Paris<br/>Selected Videos

Cecile Paris
Selected Videos

Honest Experience

Honest Experience

Modernity Building the Modern / Reshaping the Modern

Modernity Building the Modern / Reshaping the Modern

A firm believer in the idea that a collection needs to be upheld at least by four generations and comparing this continuity to a relay race, Nahit Kabakcı began creating the Huma Kabakcı Collection from the 1980s onwards. Today, the collection can be considered one of the most important and outstanding examples among the rare, consciously created, and long-lasting ones of its kind in Turkey.

Nudes With Mirrors

Nudes With Mirrors

Although mythological themes are not commonly encountered in Turkish painting, it is possible to see variations of widespread themes such as the Venus at her Toilet. 

The Painter of Venice

The Painter of Venice

Pera Museum presents an exhibition of French artist Félix Ziem, one of the most original landscape painters of the 19th century.