Finding Purpose

Director: George Stanley Nsamba
2020, 8’, English with Turkish subtitles

George Stanley Nsamba is a filmmaker, spoken word artist, and human rights activist. Finding Purpose reflects on the experience of producing a film about the lives of teens born with HIV in Uganda and the pervasive stigma that surrounded the project.

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Health

This is Right; Zak, Life and After

This is Right; Zak, Life and After

Me Cuido

Me Cuido

Female Disappearance Syndrome

Female Disappearance Syndrome

They Called it Love, But Was it Love?

They Called it Love, But Was it Love?

Finding Purpose

Finding Purpose

Andy Warhol’s Screen Tests

Andy Warhol’s Screen Tests

Between 1963 and 1966 Andy Warhol worked at making film portraits of all sorts of characters linked to New York art circles. Famous people and anonymous people were filmed by Andy Warhol’s 16 mm camera, for almost four minutes, without any instructions other than ‘to get in front of the camera’.

Soothsayer Serenades I Beautiful People by Sarp Dakni

Soothsayer Serenades I Beautiful People by Sarp Dakni

Today we are thrilled to present the second playlist of Amrita Hepi’s Soothsayer Serenades series as part of the Notes for Tomorrow exhibition. 

Mosques in the 18th and 19th Century Paintings

Mosques in the 18th and 19th Century Paintings

In the works of western painters, we encounter mosques as the primary architectural elements that reflect the identity of the city of Istanbul. Often we can recognize the depicted landscape as Istanbul simply from the mosques.