Free Fall

  • December 10, 2017 / 17:00
  • December 16, 2017 / 12:00

Director: György Pálfi
Cast: Piroska Molnár, Miklós Benedek, Attila Menszátor-Héresz, Tamás Jordán
Hungary, South Korea, France, 2014, 80', color
Hungarian with Turkish subtitles
"What tea do you want? We’ve got some mint tea,” an old woman mutters to her apathetic husband, with whom she shares her cluttered home. She then goes up to the roof of her apartment block, from where she surveys the evening skyline over smog-veiled Budapest. And she jumps. We catch a fleeting glimpse of the other flats as the woman plunges past their windows – but we’ll be seeing them again, one after the other, long enough to put a name to the "diagnosis” which shapes their inhabitants, all of whom are – regrettably, it has to be said – typical models of modern society. While given clear distinctions, the stories present numerous parallels. Seen in grotesque hyperbole, we are presented with a mockery of idle messianism and indifference – a spit in the face of hypocrisy. This highly imaginative, fine-tuned and, at the same time, unassuming film comes up with provocative ideas, while nothing about it would superficially cause the least offence.



Escape from the ‘Liberty’ Cinema

Escape from the ‘Liberty’ Cinema

The Garden

The Garden

Conspirators of Pleasure

Conspirators of Pleasure



Free Fall

Free Fall



Five October

Five October

I, Olga

I, Olga



Little Harbour

Little Harbour

On Body and Soul

On Body and Soul




Free Fall



Having penetrated the Balkans in the fourteenth century, conquered Constantinople in the fifteenth, and reached the gates of Vienna in the sixteenth, the Ottoman Empire long struck fear into European hearts. 

The Ottoman Way of Serving Coffee

The Ottoman Way of Serving Coffee

Coffee was served with much splendor at the harems of the Ottoman palace and mansions. First, sweets (usually jam) was served on silverware, followed by coffee serving. The coffee jug would be placed in a sitil (brazier), which had three chains on its sides for carrying, had cinders in the middle, and was made of tombac, silver or brass. The sitil had a satin or silk cover embroidered with silver thread, tinsel, sequin or even pearls and diamonds.

I Copy Therefore I Am

I Copy Therefore I Am

Suggesting alternative models for new social and economic systems, SUPERFLEX works appear before us as energy systems, beverages, sculptures, copies, hypnosis sessions, infrastructure, paintings, plant nurseries, contracts, or specifically designed public spaces.