News From Home - News From House

  • November 21, 2013 / 19:00
  • November 29, 2013 / 19:00

Director: Amos Gitai
Israel, France, Belgium; 97’, 2005, color
Hebrew, Englishi Arabic, French with Turkish subtitles

Abandoned by its Palestinian owner in the 1948 war; requisitioned by the Israeli government as vacant; rented to Jewish Algerian immigrants in 1956; purchased by a university professor who undertakes its transformation into a three-story house in 1980...This West Jerusalem building is no longer the microcosm it once was 25 years ago. Its inhabitants dispersed, this common space has disintegrated, but remains both an emotional and physical center at heart of the Israeli-Palestinian situation. Concrete reality has transformed into scattered stories and memories. A new identity, a new diaspora, has evolved. With News from Home / News from House, Amos Gitai completes the trilogy which began with 1980's House and continued in 1998's A House in Jerusalem. Creating a sort of human archaeology, Gitai explores the relationships between the house's inhabitants, past and present, between Israelis and Palestinians. Each in his or her own way becomes a sign of the region's, the world's destiny.







News From Home - News From House

News From Home - News From House



One Day You'll Understand

One Day You'll Understand

Roses à Crédit

Roses à Crédit

“My body is my sculpture” <br> Louise Bourgeois

“My body is my sculpture”
Louise Bourgeois

Pera Museum, in collaboration with Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV), is one of the main venues for this year’s 15th Istanbul Biennial from 16 September to 12 November 2017. Through the biennial, we will be sharing detailed information about the artists and the artworks. 

Janine Antoni Look At Me!

Janine Antoni Look At Me!

The exhibition Look at Me! Portraits and Other Fictions from the ”la Caixa” Contemporary Art Collection examines portraiture, one of the oldest artistic genres, through a significant number of works of our times. Through the exhibition we will be sharing about the artists and sections in Look At Me!. This time we are sharing about Janine Antoni , exhibited under the section “The Conventions of Identitiy”!

Seaside Leisure

Seaside Leisure

Istanbul’s Seaside Leisure: Nostalgia from Sea Baths to Beaches exhibition brought together photographs, magazines, comics, objects, and books from various private and institutional collections, and told a nostalgic story while also addressing the change and socialization of the norms of how Istanbulites used their free time. Istanbul’s Seaside Leisure was a documentary testament of the radical transformations in the Republic’s lifestyle.