Occupy: The Movie

  • September 6, 2013 / 19:00
  • September 29, 2013 / 13:00

Director: Corey Ogilvie
Cast: Makh Aten, Andy Bichlbaum, Noam Chomsky
Canada, USA 90’, 2012, color

English with Turkish subtitles

Occupy: The Movie provides a sensational focus on the social movement that set up shop at Wall Street’s front door. Occupy succeeded in captivating the collective consciousness and providing hope for positive change, but its visibility vanished as quickly as it appeared, leaving questions of its effectiveness in its wake. Tackling the complexity of how the movement manifested and providing cogent context to what caused its genesis, Corey Ogilvie presents a clear and compelling account of the Zuccotti Park settlement without getting lost in empty slogans, violent conflicts or proselytizing activists. Featuring key interviews with Kalle Lasn (Adbusters), philosopher Cornel West, journalist Chris Hedges and leading organizers from the Occupy Wall Street movement, Occupy: The Movie isn’t propaganda for the cause, but an expert analysis of one of the biggest American social movements since the civil rights era.

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