Director: François Caillat
France, color, 2001, 75’
French with Turkish subtitles

Based on a macabre event, the exhumation of the corpse of an unknown solider, this film brings together the strands of a complex, fast-moving story played out over 100 years in Lorraine. In it we come upon thwarted destines, brutal deaths, and exile. Through one of two characters straight out of novels, we discover the adventure of the 20th century, seen though the prism of the wars between France and Germany, and the final throes of the French nation before adopting a European identity which transcends it. This film is an investigation into the “scenes of crime”.

L'affaire Valerie

L'affaire Valerie

Trois Soldats Allemands

Trois Soldats Allemands

La Quatrieme Generation

La Quatrieme Generation

Une Jeunesse Amoureuse

Une Jeunesse Amoureuse

Barbara Kruger’s Practice on Power,  Capitalism, Identity, and Gender

Barbara Kruger’s Practice on Power, Capitalism, Identity, and Gender

A closer look at the life and works of the artist Barbara Kruger, who is represented with two striking works in the exhibition And Now The Good News, a selection of works from the Nobel Collection.

Kozbekçi Mustafa Ağa

Kozbekçi Mustafa Ağa

When Karl XII of Sweden was defeated by Tsar Peter the Great of Russia in 1709, he fled to the Ottoman Empire and settled in Bender with his entourage for five years.

The Big Country

The Big Country

When the Royal Academy of Arts offered Stephen Chambers the opportunity to produce new work for a focused exhibition in the Weston Rooms of the Main Galleries, Chambers turned to print and the possibilities it offered.