
  • June 20, 2014 / 19:00
  • June 25, 2014 / 19:00

Vinyl, 1965, 67’
16mm film, black and white, sound
Transferred from 16 mm to DVD
Collection of The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh
Contribution The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.
©2014 The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA, a Museum of Carnegie Institute
All rights reserved.

Andy Warhol’s 1965 film Vinyl is the lesser-known adaptation of Anthony Burgess’s novel A Clockwork Orange. Rather than the aggression of Kubrick’s interpretation, which came out in 1971, Warhol’s version is a meditation on pure sensation, infused with raw, homoerotic and borderline pornographic images. These early, sexually fetishistic films fell out of circulation following the attempt made on his life in 1968 by Valerie Salonas, but Vinyl is proof of Warhol’s role as a pioneer in queer cinema.

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