A World to Shape

  • November 23, 2022 / 15:00

Director: Ton van Zantvoort
Netherlands, 2022, 52'
with Turkish and English subtitles

Nienke Hoogvliet (1989) and Dave Hakkens (1988) represent a new generation of contemporary Dutch Designers. This generation is acutely aware that raw materials are depleting, energy is scarce, and globalisation is driving new forms of small-scale production. As makers, they don’t care about existing boundaries between art, design and science. Nienke’s mission is to make the world’s second most polluting industry – the clothing industry – more sustainable by her research on seaweed as a sustainable alternative to toxic chemicals for giving colour to textiles. Dave’s ambition is equally ambitious. His recent project attempts to establish a living and working community that uses a minimal carbon footprint. In A World to Shape, director Ton van Zantvoort guides you through the respective ingenuity of Nienke and Dave. Though they think differently, they are set on improving the world in their own inimitable ways. Where many people might see problems, Nienke and Dave envisage solutions. But how realistic are their ambitions? To find out, we join Dave and Nienke on their audacious quests.

10 Billion Mouths

10 Billion Mouths

The Power of Activism

The Power of Activism

Different Village

Different Village

A World to Shape

A World to Shape

Hell or Clean Water

Hell or Clean Water

Impact Networks: Creating Change in a Complex World

Impact Networks: Creating Change in a Complex World

Godney Marshes: Rewilding our Future

Godney Marshes: Rewilding our Future

Dreams, Effort and Pandemic

Dreams, Effort and Pandemic

Dive Tierra Bomba Dive

Dive Tierra Bomba Dive



Green Nettle

Green Nettle

Living in a Postcard

Living in a Postcard

Bigger Than Us

Bigger Than Us

The Big Reset – Cities

The Big Reset – Cities

Feeling The Apocalypse

Feeling The Apocalypse

Among Roots

Among Roots

The North Drift

The North Drift

La Frontiére

La Frontiére

Duty of Care – The Climate Trials

Duty of Care – The Climate Trials

Menstrual Man

Menstrual Man

The Last Tourist

The Last Tourist

Tandem Local

Tandem Local

Total Disaster

Total Disaster

The Seeds of Vandana Shiva

The Seeds of Vandana Shiva

For Tomorrow

For Tomorrow

Giorgio de Chirico

Giorgio de Chirico

Giorgio de Chirico was born on July 10, 1888, in Volos, Greece, to an Italian family. His mother, Gemma Cervetto, was from a family of Genoa origin, but most likely she was born in Izmir. His father, Evaristo, was born on June 21, 1841 in the Büyükdere district of Istanbul.

Il Cavallo di Leonardo

Il Cavallo di Leonardo

In 1493, exactly 500 years ago, Leonardo da Vinci was finishing the preparations for casting the equestrian monument (4 times life size), which Ludovico il Moro, Duke of Milan commissioned in memory of his father some 12 years earlier. 



Having penetrated the Balkans in the fourteenth century, conquered Constantinople in the fifteenth, and reached the gates of Vienna in the sixteenth, the Ottoman Empire long struck fear into European hearts.