Hell or Clean Water

  • November 23, 2022 / 18:30

Director: Cody Westman
Canada, 2021, 88'
with Turkish and English subtitles

A former fisherman who just 10 years earlier thought nothing of tossing garbage out of his truck window, Shawn Bath has an epiphany when he starts diving the harbours of his native Newfoundland. He finds ocean floors covered with debris – truck tires, boat parts, fishing equipment, ghost nets, household junk and “disposable” plastics of every description. Realization quickly turns to obsession, as Shawn dedicates himself to cleaning up the rotting mess. He begins single-handedly hauling out thousands of pounds of tires and countless bags of trash, a toxic stew that is killing marine life and is surely making its way through the food chain to the human population. With no help from the government and only meagre online donations, he soon finds himself with less than $10 in his bank account, creditors calling daily and a stressed relationship with a supportive but very concerned girlfriend. But in the face of all this, the one thing that Shawn Bath never loses is hope. And that’s what makes it possible for a single person to start something that just might change the world.

10 Billion Mouths

10 Billion Mouths

The Power of Activism

The Power of Activism

Different Village

Different Village

A World to Shape

A World to Shape

Hell or Clean Water

Hell or Clean Water

Impact Networks: Creating Change in a Complex World

Impact Networks: Creating Change in a Complex World

Godney Marshes: Rewilding our Future

Godney Marshes: Rewilding our Future

Dreams, Effort and Pandemic

Dreams, Effort and Pandemic

Dive Tierra Bomba Dive

Dive Tierra Bomba Dive



Green Nettle

Green Nettle

Living in a Postcard

Living in a Postcard

Bigger Than Us

Bigger Than Us

The Big Reset – Cities

The Big Reset – Cities

Feeling The Apocalypse

Feeling The Apocalypse

Among Roots

Among Roots

The North Drift

The North Drift

La Frontiére

La Frontiére

Duty of Care – The Climate Trials

Duty of Care – The Climate Trials

Menstrual Man

Menstrual Man

The Last Tourist

The Last Tourist

Tandem Local

Tandem Local

Total Disaster

Total Disaster

The Seeds of Vandana Shiva

The Seeds of Vandana Shiva

For Tomorrow

For Tomorrow



Pera Museum’s Cold Front from the Balkans exhibition curated by Ali Akay and Alenka Gregorič brings together contemporary artists from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.



Having penetrated the Balkans in the fourteenth century, conquered Constantinople in the fifteenth, and reached the gates of Vienna in the sixteenth, the Ottoman Empire long struck fear into European hearts. 

I Copy Therefore I Am

I Copy Therefore I Am

Suggesting alternative models for new social and economic systems, SUPERFLEX works appear before us as energy systems, beverages, sculptures, copies, hypnosis sessions, infrastructure, paintings, plant nurseries, contracts, or specifically designed public spaces.