Coffee: Between Reality and Imagination

  • January 31, 2015 / 16:00
  • February 1, 2015 / 13:00

Directors: Maysaloun Hamoud, Elite Zexer, Murad Nassar, Eti Tsicko, Kareem Karaja, Ameer Ahmarwo, Gazi Abu Baker, Aya Somech, Eitan Sarid
Initiator and Artistic Director: Yael Perlov
Producers: Yael Perlov, Yoav Shavit
Israel-Palestine; 95’, 2010, color
English and French with Turkish subtitles

Coffee: Between Reality and Imagination is a cinematic collaboration between young Israeli and Palestinian filmmakers, who together created a series of short films, all dealing with the project title - coffee. Coffee takes part in our cultural identity, it is shared by all individuals in terms of our daily routine and pastes different people together, no matter who they are. Eight films were produced. Two documentaries and two fiction films were made by Palestinian filmmakers, and four fiction films were made by Israeli filmmakers. Each of the films gives a personal and courageous point of view on the reality in which we live in.

Project by: Tel Aviv University

Coffee and Cigarettes

Coffee and Cigarettes

A Film About Coffee

A Film About Coffee

Coffee: Between Reality and Imagination

Coffee: Between Reality and Imagination

Hot Coffee

Hot Coffee

Straight to Hell

Straight to Hell



Blue in the Face

Blue in the Face

Inside Llewyn Davis

Inside Llewyn Davis

Coffee Futures

Coffee Futures

A Cup of Turkish Coffee

A Cup of Turkish Coffee

Face to Face

Face to Face

A firm believer in the idea that a collection needs to be upheld at least by four generations and comparing this continuity to a relay race, Nahit Kabakcı began creating the Huma Kabakcı Collection from the 1980s onwards. 

Louis Isadore Kahn (1901-1974)

Louis Isadore Kahn (1901-1974)

Louis Isadore Kahn was born in 1901 to a Jewish family in Pärnu, Russia (today Estonia), far from Philadelphia where he spent his whole life, worked, fell in love, and breathed his last. Kahn family emigrated to America when he was five years old. 

Dizzying Expression of Fear and Doom Tsang Kin-Wah

Dizzying Expression of Fear and Doom Tsang Kin-Wah

Pera Museum, in collaboration with Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV), is one of the main venues for this year’s 15th Istanbul Biennial from 16 September to 12 November 2017.  Through the biennial, we will be sharing detailed information about the artists and the artworks.