Shorts from Turkey

Karpuz Cenneti
Gülistan Acet, Turkey ,14’

Adar Bozbay, Turkey, 12’

Kefenin Cebi
Sevgi Çoban, Turkey, 19’

7 Lira
Ahmet Mert Yavuz, Turkey, 13’

Total runtime: 58’



My Child

My Child

Haute Tension

Haute Tension





Generation Z

Generation Z

Shorts from Turkey

Shorts from Turkey

In A Galaxy Far Far Away

In A Galaxy Far Far Away

Queer Shorts

Queer Shorts

Where are they now?

Where are they now?

A Photographer’s Biography Ali Sami Aközer

A Photographer’s Biography Ali Sami Aközer

Ali Sami is born in Rusçuk in 1866, and moves to İstanbul. Because his family is registered in the Beylerbeyi quarter of Üsküdar, Ali Sami is also called Üsküdarlı Ali Sami. He graduates from the Mühendishane-i Berri-i Hümayun in 1866 and becomes a teacher of painting and photography at the school.

Bruce Nauman Look At Me!

Bruce Nauman Look At Me!

The exhibition Look at Me! Portraits and Other Fictions from the ”la Caixa” Contemporary Art Collection examines portraiture, one of the oldest artistic genres, through a significant number of works of our times. Through the exhibition we will be sharing about the artists and sections in Look At Me!.

Kozbekçi Mustafa Ağa

Kozbekçi Mustafa Ağa

When Karl XII of Sweden was defeated by Tsar Peter the Great of Russia in 1709, he fled to the Ottoman Empire and settled in Bender with his entourage for five years.