
Director: Reha Erdem
Cast: Sermet Yeşil, Türkü Turan, Hakan Altuntaş, Sabahat Doğanyılmaz
Turkey, 2009, 122’

Kosmos is a thief that creates miracles. He comes crying to this timeless border town from the mountains like he is running away from someone. He saves a drowning little boy as soon as he comes to the city and he becomes known as the one who creates miracles. Kosmos is not an ordinary person. We never see him eat or sleep. His only need is tea and his only nutrition is cube or granulated sugar. One of his surprising talents is to climb the tallest trees easily and to sit on the thinnest branches like a bird. Kosmos expresses one of his desires that startles everyone with honesty; He searches for love. A weird intimacy forms between Kosmos and Neptün, the sister of the little kid he saved. They imitate bird sounds by shouting and screaming like they are meeting with their shadows and they play together.



My Child

My Child

Haute Tension

Haute Tension





Generation Z

Generation Z

Shorts from Turkey

Shorts from Turkey

In A Galaxy Far Far Away

In A Galaxy Far Far Away

Queer Shorts

Queer Shorts

Where are they now?

Where are they now?



The Battle of Varna

The Battle of Varna

Over the years of 1864 through 1876, Stanisław Chlebowski served Sultan Abdülaziz in Istanbul as his court painter. As it was, Abdülaziz disposed of considerable artistic talents of his own, and he actively involved himself in Chlebowski’s creative process, suggesting ideas for compositions –such as ballistic pieces praising the victories of Turkish arms. 

Souvenirs of the Future

Souvenirs of the Future

You try to remember the future. A bird painted on the ceramic panel in a historical palace has found its place on the wall. The tiles of a church and a mosque have been painted on canvas. The pattern of a centuries-old ceramic plate appears before you on a velvet curtain.

Midnight Horror Stories: The Last Ferry <br> Galip Dursun

Midnight Horror Stories: The Last Ferry
Galip Dursun

I remembered a game as I was waiting in the passenger lounge for the ferry to arrive just a few minutes ago. A game we used to play at home when I was young, in my country that is very far away from here, a relic from the distant past; I don’t even remember how we used to play it. The kind of game that makes me feel a thousand times lonelier than I already am among the crowd waiting to get on the ferry.