Summer of Giacomo

Director: Alessandro Comodin
Cast: Giacomo Zulian, Stefania Comodin, Barbara Colombo
France, Italy, Belgium 78’, 2011, color
Italian with Turkish subtitles

In the northeastern Italian countryside, 19-year-old Giacomo, who is deaf, and his childhood friend Stefania fill their summer days with games, conversation, and swims in the local river. Time passes slowly in this languid, sensual atmosphere, but soon another reality—and the collision of documentary and fiction—brings an unexpected meaning to their bittersweet adventures.

Summer of Giacomo

Summer of Giacomo

Nous princesses de cleves

Nous princesses de cleves

Belle Épine

Belle Épine

Un poison violent

Un poison violent

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

La vie au ranch

La vie au ranch

Midnight Horror Stories: The Landlord <br> Hakan Bıçakcı

Midnight Horror Stories: The Landlord
Hakan Bıçakcı

Three people sleeping side by side. On the uncomfortable seats of the stuffy airplane in the air. Three friends. I’m the friend in the window seat. The other two are a couple, Emre and Melisa. I’m alone, they are together. And another difference. I’ve only closed my eyes. They are asleep.

Portrait of a Bullfighter (1797)

Portrait of a Bullfighter (1797)

The man is depicted in three-quarters view, turning straight to the viewers with a penetrating glance. The background is grey, while the clothes, the hair, and cap are black. 

It’s better to burn out than to fade away

It’s better to burn out than to fade away

In 1962 Philip Corner, one of the most prominent members of the Fluxus movement, caused a great commotion in serious music circles when during a performance entitled Piano Activities he climbed up onto a grand piano and began to kick it while other members of the group attacked it with saws, hammers and all kinds of other implements.