The Man Next Door

  • September 27, 2017 / 17:00
  • September 29, 2017 / 19:00

Director: Mariano Cohn, Gastón Duprat
Cast: Rafael Spregelburd, Daniel Aráoz
Argentina, 2009, 110’, renkli / color
Spanish with Turkish subtitles

It all starts with a sledge hammer opening a hole on the dividing wall between two houses. On one side of the wall lives Leonardo, a designer who lives in a luminous house with glass walls. The man next door is the used cars salesman Victor, a dark man living in a dark house. Victor insists on opening a window on the divider wall and Leonardo insists on protecting his privacy. Tension increases and the problem becomes more and more irresolvable. The Man Next Door is directed by the duo Mariano Cohn and Gastón Duprat of last year’s acclaimed comedy The Distinguished Citizen.



Nine Queens

Nine Queens

The Aura

The Aura



The Man Next Door

The Man Next Door

The Secret in Their Eyes

The Secret in Their Eyes

Clandestine Childhood

Clandestine Childhood

Eva Doesn’t Sleep

Eva Doesn’t Sleep

Wild Tales

Wild Tales

The Headless Woman

The Headless Woman


The Man Next Door

Good News from the Skies

Good News from the Skies

Inspired by the exhibition And Now the Good News, which focusing on the relationship between mass media and art, we prepared horoscope readings based on the chapters of the exhibition. Using the popular astrological language inspired by the effects of the movements of celestial bodies on people, these readings with references to the works in the exhibition make fictional future predictions inspired by the horoscope columns that we read in the newspapers with the desire to receive good news about our day. 

Giorgio de Chirico

Giorgio de Chirico

Giorgio de Chirico was born on July 10, 1888, in Volos, Greece, to an Italian family. His mother, Gemma Cervetto, was from a family of Genoa origin, but most likely she was born in Izmir. His father, Evaristo, was born on June 21, 1841 in the Büyükdere district of Istanbul.

Explore the Museum with the Little Yellow Circle!

Explore the Museum with the Little Yellow Circle!

Published as part of Pera Learning programs, “The Little Yellow Circle (Küçük Sarı Daire)” is a children’s book written by Tania Bahar and illustrated by Marina Rico, offering children and adults to a novel learning experience where they can share and discover together.