Director: Ali Hamroyev
USSR, Uzbekistan, 1966, 82’, black & white
Cast: Lyutfi Sarymsakova, Sairam Isayeva, Bolot Bejshenaliyev, Khikmat Latypov, Mokhammed Rafikov
Russian with Turkish subtitles
In his first feature to receive international acclaim, Hamroyev took a painterly view of the landscape of the steppes while establishing his trademark theme of the role of atypical and rebellious women. Set in the rural village of White Storks, the story tackles the taboo subject of an extramarital affair. Strong-willed Malika, married but childless, is openly consorting with another man with whom she shares a seemingly tender bond. Even more fascinating than the trajectory of the affair itself is Hamroyev’s detailing of intricate, tradition-bound family relationships, and his depiction of customs including the violent, fast-paced horseback game of Buzkashi.
The wind blows, rubbing against my legs made of layers of metal and wires, swaying the leaves of grass that have shot up from the cracks in the tarmac, and going off to the windows that look like the eyes of dead children in the wrecked buildings that seem to be everywhere as far as the eye can see.
Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday 10:00 - 22:00
Sunday 12:00 - 18:00
The museum is closed on Mondays.
On Wednesdays, the students can
visit the museum free of admission.
Full ticket: 200 TL
Discounted: 100 TL
Groups: 150 TL (minimum 10 people)