11th Pink Life QueerFest

October 14 - 16, 2022

Pera Film is hosting the 11th Pink Life QueerFest. The festival’s program includes 16 films.

This program’s screenings are free admissions. Drop in, no reservations. As per legal regulations, all our screenings are restricted to persons over 18 years of age, unless stated otherwise.

October 14

12:00 Circus of Life

15:00 Popo Fan Films Selection

17:30 Besties

19:30 Love, Deutschmarks and Death

October 15

12:30 Blooming on the Asphalt

16:30 Criminal Queers

18:00 Potato Dreams of America

Walking After Midnight

October 16

12:30 How the Room Felt

14:15 Our Story

17:00 Queer Shorts From Turkey

Circus of Life

Circus of Life

Popo Fan Films Selection

Popo Fan Films Selection



Love, Deutschmarks and Death

Love, Deutschmarks and Death

Blooming on the Asphalt

Blooming on the Asphalt

Potato Dreams of America

Potato Dreams of America

Criminal Queers

Criminal Queers

Walking After Midnight

Walking After Midnight

How the Room Felt

How the Room Felt

 Our Story

Our Story

Queer Shorts From Turkey

Queer Shorts From Turkey

Queer Film Festivals Special Session

Queer Film Festivals Special Session

After the harsh conditions of the pandemic, the 11th Pink Life QueerFest is bringing together the queer film festivals from Beijing, Pakistan, and Turkey. 

Fiery and Daring: Lale Mansur

Fiery and Daring: Lale Mansur

One of the protagonists of unusual and unconventional female roles and stories in the cinema of Turkey with the films she has acted in, Lale Mansur meets the audience within the scope of the 11th Pink Life QueerFest.

Face to Face

Face to Face

A firm believer in the idea that a collection needs to be upheld at least by four generations and comparing this continuity to a relay race, Nahit Kabakcı began creating the Huma Kabakcı Collection from the 1980s onwards. 

The Golden Horn

The Golden Horn

When regarding the paintings of Istanbul by western painters, Golden Horn has a distinctive place and value. This body of water that separates the Topkapı Palace and the Historical Peninsula, in which monumental edifices are located, from Galata, where westerners and foreign embassies dwell, is as though an interpenetrating boundary.

Unhomely!  <br>Lee Miller

Lee Miller

Pera Museum, in collaboration with Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV), is one of the main venues for this year’s 15th Istanbul Biennial from 16 September to 12 November 2017.