Blooming on the Asphalt

  • October 15, 2022 / 12:30

Directors: Coraci Bartman Ruiz, Julio Matos
Cast: Helena Agalenéa, Jack Celeste, Noah Silveira Ruiz
Brazil, 2022, HD, color, 79’

The documentary, which films the changes that trans man Jack (Jack Celeste) undergoes over the course of five years when he started the gender transition process in 2016, also records the increasing conservatism in Brazil during the process. Jointly directed by Coraci Ruiz and Julia Matos, the film shows glimpses from Jack's life, showing how to blossom through the cracks of concrete. The film, which gives its audience hope to hold on in dark times, signals the glitches of the cis-tem as well. The documentary, which has been screened at many queer film festivals from Brazil to France, from Peru to Canada, portrays not only of its main character, but also of its country.

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