40 Days of Silence

  • April 5, 2017 / 19:00
  • April 7, 2017 / 11:00

Director: Saodat Ismailova
Cast: Rukhshona Sattarova, Barohat Shukurova, Saodat Rahimova, Farida Olimova
Uzbekistan, The Netherlands, Germany, France, 2014, 88’, color
Tadjik with Turkish and English subtitles

Chilla focuses on a family living in rural Uzbekistan, surrounded in isolation by a striking, mountainous terrain. In this matriarchal home, men are inexplicably removed. Each of the four women portrayed find themselves at turning points–of one sort or another–in their lives. Director Ismailova offers a contemplative view into an extraordinarily intimate female world. Her film is a portrait of four individuals closely tied to one another, and the solitary process by which each builds their own identity. It is a testament to the human will towards self-determination, told through carefully composed, sweeping imagery.



In Vanda’s Room

In Vanda’s Room

Neighboring Sounds

Neighboring Sounds

The White Ribbon

The White Ribbon

40 Days of Silence

40 Days of Silence

The Apple

The Apple





What Now? Remind Me

What Now? Remind Me



a good neighbor Shorts

a good neighbor Shorts

Between Impressionism and Orientalism

Between Impressionism and Orientalism

Pera Museum presents an exhibition of French artist Félix Ziem, one of the most original landscape painters of the 19th century. The exhibition Wanderer on the Sea of Light presents Ziem as an artist who left his mark on 19th century painting and who is mostly known for his paintings of Istanbul and Venice, where the city and the sea are intertwined. Through the exhibition, we will be sharing detailed information about the artist and the artworks. 

 Who Is Pablo Picasso?

Who Is Pablo Picasso?

Born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain, Pablo Picasso’s full name takes about two lines: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso.

Demons, Symbols, and the Cosmos

Demons, Symbols, and the Cosmos

Beliefs surrounding illness and healing in Byzantium stem from the myths, astrology, and magic practiced around the Mediterranean by Jews, Egyptians, Mesopotamians, and Greeks.