All That I Love

  • November 20, 2016 / 18:00
  • November 26, 2016 / 19:00

Director: Jacek Borcuch
Cast: Mateusz Kosciukiewicz, Olga Frycz, Jakub Gierszal
Music: Daniel Bloom
Poland, 2009, 95’, color

Polish with Turkish subtitles

This story of youth, romance, passion and protest is also a coming-of-age drama, set in Poland of the 1980s - a period of political turmoil, involving the communist system, the Solidarity movement for change, and martial law. Against this background four music-loving boys decide to set up a punk band, enthusiastically naming it ATIL (All That I Love), not realizing that it will bring many things they don't love into their lives - including censorship, corruption, problems with their family and the state...

Marketa Lazarová

Marketa Lazarová

The Insanely Sad Princess

The Insanely Sad Princess

The Return of Dragon

The Return of Dragon

Birds, Orphans and Fools

Birds, Orphans and Fools

The Copper Tower

The Copper Tower

Johnny Corncob

Johnny Corncob

Ballad for the Bandit

Ballad for the Bandit

Stephen the King

Stephen the King

The Double Life of Veronique

The Double Life of Veronique

All That I Love

All That I Love

The Queen of Silence

The Queen of Silence

Balaton Method

Balaton Method


All That I Love

Jean-Michel Basquiat Look At Me!

Jean-Michel Basquiat Look At Me!

The exhibition “Look At Me! Portraits and Other Fictions from the ”la Caixa” Contemporary Art Collection” examined portraiture, one of the oldest artistic genres, through a significant number of works of our times. Paintings, photographs, sculptures and videos shaped a labyrinth of gazes that invite spectators to reflect themselves in the social mirror of portraits.

Sea Baths

Sea Baths

It is understood from Evliya Çelebi’s well-known Book of Travels that the history of sea baths goes as far back as the 17th century; their acceptance and popularization take place in mid-19th century as a result of Westernization, among other things.

Reality Bites!

Reality Bites!

Works by a large number of students from the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo deal with current and often painful themes from the socio-political, economic and cultural reality, raising awareness, appealing, warning, opening issues and offering new interpretations.