The Insanely Sad Princess

  • November 18, 2016 / 19:00
  • December 4, 2016 / 14:00

Director:  Bořivoj Zeman
Cast: Helena Vondráčková, Václav Neckář, Bohuš Záhorský
Music: Jan Hammer
Czechia (Czechoslovakia), 1968, 86’, color
Czech with Turkish subtitles 

This is a witty and charming, Pop-Art fairytale featuring Czechoslovak popular cultural icons. The film was shot in 1968. Then-20-year-old composer Jan Hammer after the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia immigrated to the US where he continued composing; the other stars Helena Vondráčková became the most applauded diva of the Czechoslovak official pop-music scene. In communist Czechoslovakia the talented filmmakers took refuge from politically problematic films in the genre of fairy-tales, which became extremely celebrated and well known in the Eastern block.

Marketa Lazarová

Marketa Lazarová

The Insanely Sad Princess

The Insanely Sad Princess

The Return of Dragon

The Return of Dragon

Birds, Orphans and Fools

Birds, Orphans and Fools

The Copper Tower

The Copper Tower

Johnny Corncob

Johnny Corncob

Ballad for the Bandit

Ballad for the Bandit

Stephen the King

Stephen the King

The Double Life of Veronique

The Double Life of Veronique

All That I Love

All That I Love

The Queen of Silence

The Queen of Silence

Balaton Method

Balaton Method


The Insanely Sad Princess

Cameria (Mihrimah Sultan)

Cameria (Mihrimah Sultan)

Based on similar examples by the European painters in various collections, this work is one of the portraits of Mihrimah Sultan, who was depicted rather often in the 16th century.

Chlebowski’s Sultan

Chlebowski’s Sultan

This is one of Stanisław Chlebowski’s larger canvasses dealing with themes other than battles; only Ottoman Life at the Sweet Waters now at the Istanbul Military Museum can compare with it in size.



Pera Museum’s  Cold Front from the Balkans exhibition curated by Ali Akay and Alenka Gregorič brings together contemporary artists from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.