Another Train Gıdı Gıdı

Director: Yasin Ali Türkeri
Turkey, 2018, 80’, color, b&w, Turkish, Russian, Greek with Turkish, English subtitles

This documentary tells the historical story of the Nazilli Sümerbank Printed Fabric Factory, built by the support of Soviet Russia in 1937, through Gıdı Gıdı, a train belonging to the factory. Gıdı Gıdı is quietly waiting inside the factory structure for its hereinafter absent passengers.



Another Train Gıdı Gıdı

Another Train Gıdı Gıdı

Gone with the Hazelnuts

Gone with the Hazelnuts

Süreyya the Kitman

Süreyya the Kitman

Her First

Her First



Sarajevo March

Sarajevo March

Schildkröten Panzer

Schildkröten Panzer

Local TV

Local TV

Zavar, The Kid And Partridges

Zavar, The Kid And Partridges


Another Train Gıdı Gıdı

Explore the Museum with the Little Yellow Circle!

Explore the Museum with the Little Yellow Circle!

Published as part of Pera Learning programs, “The Little Yellow Circle (Küçük Sarı Daire)” is a children’s book written by Tania Bahar and illustrated by Marina Rico, offering children and adults to a novel learning experience where they can share and discover together.

Good News from the Skies

Good News from the Skies

Inspired by the exhibition And Now the Good News, which focusing on the relationship between mass media and art, we prepared horoscope readings based on the chapters of the exhibition. Using the popular astrological language inspired by the effects of the movements of celestial bodies on people, these readings with references to the works in the exhibition make fictional future predictions inspired by the horoscope columns that we read in the newspapers with the desire to receive good news about our day. 

The Other Side of New Year's Eve: <br> Pera Film's Alternative New Year's Watchlist

The Other Side of New Year's Eve:
Pera Film's Alternative New Year's Watchlist

As the New Year approaches, Pera Film presents an alternative watchlist of 10 movies, ranging from Hollywood's timeless classics to memorable examples of modern cinema.