Another Train Gıdı Gıdı

Director: Yasin Ali Türkeri
Turkey, 2018, 80’, color, b&w, Turkish, Russian, Greek with Turkish, English subtitles

This documentary tells the historical story of the Nazilli Sümerbank Printed Fabric Factory, built by the support of Soviet Russia in 1937, through Gıdı Gıdı, a train belonging to the factory. Gıdı Gıdı is quietly waiting inside the factory structure for its hereinafter absent passengers.



Another Train Gıdı Gıdı

Another Train Gıdı Gıdı

Gone with the Hazelnuts

Gone with the Hazelnuts

Süreyya the Kitman

Süreyya the Kitman

Her First

Her First



Sarajevo March

Sarajevo March

Schildkröten Panzer

Schildkröten Panzer

Local TV

Local TV

Zavar, The Kid And Partridges

Zavar, The Kid And Partridges


Another Train Gıdı Gıdı



Having penetrated the Balkans in the fourteenth century, conquered Constantinople in the fifteenth, and reached the gates of Vienna in the sixteenth, the Ottoman Empire long struck fear into European hearts. 

The Ottoman Way of Serving Coffee

The Ottoman Way of Serving Coffee

Coffee was served with much splendor at the harems of the Ottoman palace and mansions. First, sweets (usually jam) was served on silverware, followed by coffee serving. The coffee jug would be placed in a sitil (brazier), which had three chains on its sides for carrying, had cinders in the middle, and was made of tombac, silver or brass. The sitil had a satin or silk cover embroidered with silver thread, tinsel, sequin or even pearls and diamonds.

Marcel Duchamp’s Bicycle Wheel

Marcel Duchamp’s Bicycle Wheel

In 1998 Ben Jakober and Yannick Vu collaborated on an obvious remake of Marcel Duchamp’s Roue de Bicyclette, his first “readymade” object. Duchamp combined a bicycle wheel, a fork and a stool to create a machine which served no purpose, subverting accepted norms of art.