Nations United: Urgent Solutions for Urgent Times

  • November 19, 2020 / 12:00

Director: Richard Curtis
United Kingdom, 2020, 34', HDD, color
English with Turkish subtitles

Nations United: Urgent Solutions for Urgent Times is a very special, first of its kind programme, created by the United Nations on its 75th Anniversary and to mark five years since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals. In the midst of a pandemic radically transforming our world, Nations United will tell the story of the world as it is, as it was, and as it could be and set out what must be done for people and planet.

How We Grow

How We Grow

Food for Change

Food for Change

Shade Grown Coffee

Shade Grown Coffee

Climate Limbo

Climate Limbo

Jozi Gold

Jozi Gold

Seeds of Profit

Seeds of Profit

Mega Fires

Mega Fires

Hacking for the Commons

Hacking for the Commons

Lords of Water

Lords of Water



The New Breed: The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur

The New Breed: The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur



A Fistful of Rubbish

A Fistful of Rubbish



The Promise of Biomimicry

The Promise of Biomimicry

Stolen Fish

Stolen Fish

Nations United: Urgent Solutions for Urgent Times

Nations United: Urgent Solutions for Urgent Times

A Regenerative Secret

A Regenerative Secret

From Weedy Forests to Grassy Woodlands

From Weedy Forests to Grassy Woodlands

The Compost Story

The Compost Story

How We Live: A Journey Towards a Just Transition

How We Live: A Journey Towards a Just Transition

I Copy Therefore I Am

I Copy Therefore I Am

Suggesting alternative models for new social and economic systems, SUPERFLEX works appear before us as energy systems, beverages, sculptures, copies, hypnosis sessions, infrastructure, paintings, plant nurseries, contracts, or specifically designed public spaces.

Baby King

Baby King

1638, the year Louis XIV was born –his second name, Dieudonné, alluding to his God-given status– saw the diffusion of a cult of maternity encouraged by the very devout Anne of Austria, in thanks for the miracle by which she had given birth to an heir to the French throne. Simon François de Tours (1606-1671) painted the Queen in the guise of the Virgin Mary, and the young Louis XIV as the infant Jesus, in the allegorical portrait now in the Bishop’s Palace at Sens.

The Big Country

The Big Country

When the Royal Academy of Arts offered Stephen Chambers the opportunity to produce new work for a focused exhibition in the Weston Rooms of the Main Galleries, Chambers turned to print and the possibilities it offered.