Nitrate Kisses

  • April 22, 2018 / 18:00
  • May 25, 2018 / 19:00

Director: Barbara Hammer
Cast: Jerre, Maria, Ruth, Sandy Binford
USA, 1992, 67',b&w, English with Turkish subtitles
Clip from feature documentary, explores eroded emulsions and images for lost vestiges of lesbian and gay culture. This first feature by Barbara Hammer, weaves striking images of four gay and lesbian couples with footage of an unearthed forbidden and invisible history. Archival footage from the first gay film in the U.S., Lot In Sodom (1933) is interwoven in this haunting documentary.
Free admissions. Drop in, no reservations.

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Nitrate Kisses

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Nitrate Kisses

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