Tender Fictions

  • April 25, 2018 / 19:00
  • May 25, 2018 / 20:30

Director: Barbara Hammer
Cast: Barbara Hammer
USA, 1995, 58', color, English with Turkish subtitles
Barbara Hammer, constructs an autobiography before someone does it for her in this post-postmodern sequel to her award-winning documentary Nitrate Kisses. Lesbian autobiography is a slender genre, so Hammer draws from general culture studies for critique with ironic synthesized “voices of authority.” Archival footage of the AFL/CIO faculty strike at San Francisco State, Black Panther Party rallies and early Women’s Music Festival and a Take Back the Night march enrich the context. Hammer challenges a younger generation to visualize a world before they existed.
Free admissions. Drop in, no reservations.


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