A Bit of Dirt

  • October 5, 2013 / 14:00
  • October 9, 2013 / 19:00

Director: Erik Moskowitz
USA; color, 10’, 2005
English with Turkish subtitles

His latest work, "A Bit of Dirt," features an operatic video installation based on avant-garde Polish writer Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz's Isatiability. Moskowitz's employment of projection suggests a Lacanian, pre-mirror stage of identity, where there exists a fluidity of boundaries and "You" cannot easily be distinguished from "I." More generally, A Bit of Dirt implicates all of us, who, like Moskowitz's characters, sit comfortably on our evening couches and critique the current state of affairs without engaging in concrete action.

Walk Through

Walk Through



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