Food and Guts: Inventing Cuisine: Pierre Gagnaire

Director: Paul Lacoste
Cast: Pierre Gagnaire
France, 52, 2008, color
French with Turkish subtitles

Pierre Gagnaire qualifies as one of the highest-tiered chefs in all of haute cuisine; many surveys rank his eponymous Parisian eatery as one of the top three restaurants in the world, second only to El Bulli in Spain and The Fat Duck in the UK. Gagnaire exhibits a heightened flair for culinary invention, to such a degree that his dishes and his menu, evolve not simply from week to week or month to month, but from moment to moment, with recipes that often emerge and change as he prepares. Gagnaire approaches each dish as a sculptor would his block of marble, or a painter his tableau. The documentary film Pierre Gagnaire: Inventing Cuisine steps into the world of Gagnaire for an assessment of his peerless approach to culinary art.

Food and Life: Food Beware, The French Organic Revolution

Food and Life: Food Beware, The French Organic Revolution

Food and Life: War and Peace in the Kitchen Garden

Food and Life: War and Peace in the Kitchen Garden

Food and Life: The World According to Monsanto

Food and Life: The World According to Monsanto

Food and Guts: Romantics Anonymous

Food and Guts: Romantics Anonymous

Food and Guts: Entre les Bras

Food and Guts: Entre les Bras

Food and Guts: Inventing Cuisine: Pierre Gagnaire

Food and Guts: Inventing Cuisine: Pierre Gagnaire

Food and Guts: Haute Cuisine

Food and Guts: Haute Cuisine

Food and Guts: A Matter of Taste

Food and Guts: A Matter of Taste

Serpent Head

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Pera Museum, in collaboration with Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV), is one of the main venues for this year’s 15th Istanbul Biennial from 16 September to 12 November 2017.