Food and Life: War and Peace in the Kitchen Garden

Director: Jean-Yves Collet
France, 90’, 2009, color
French with Turkish subtitles

Thousands of animals and one or two giants, the gardeners, inhabit this miniature jungle. “War and Peace in the Vegetable Patch” gets close to ladybird, aphis, and field mouse to give a poetic, sometimes funny, but always rigorously scientific narrative of the interactions between the garden’s vegetables and the other plants, animals and humans there. Chemicals are banned from this organic plot which, year after year amazes with its vegetables, flowers…and all kinds of creatures.

Food and Life: Food Beware, The French Organic Revolution

Food and Life: Food Beware, The French Organic Revolution

Food and Life: War and Peace in the Kitchen Garden

Food and Life: War and Peace in the Kitchen Garden

Food and Life: The World According to Monsanto

Food and Life: The World According to Monsanto

Food and Guts: Romantics Anonymous

Food and Guts: Romantics Anonymous

Food and Guts: Entre les Bras

Food and Guts: Entre les Bras

Food and Guts: Inventing Cuisine: Pierre Gagnaire

Food and Guts: Inventing Cuisine: Pierre Gagnaire

Food and Guts: Haute Cuisine

Food and Guts: Haute Cuisine

Food and Guts: A Matter of Taste

Food and Guts: A Matter of Taste

The Battle of Varna

The Battle of Varna

Over the years of 1864 through 1876, Stanisław Chlebowski served Sultan Abdülaziz in Istanbul as his court painter. As it was, Abdülaziz disposed of considerable artistic talents of his own, and he actively involved himself in Chlebowski’s creative process, suggesting ideas for compositions –such as ballistic pieces praising the victories of Turkish arms. 

#VideoPopPera A Special Exhibition Tour

#VideoPopPera A Special Exhibition Tour

Pera Museum’s Instagram account was taken over by “This is Not A Love Song” exhibition’s project managers Fatma Çolakoğlu and Ulya Soley! 



Having penetrated the Balkans in the fourteenth century, conquered Constantinople in the fifteenth, and reached the gates of Vienna in the sixteenth, the Ottoman Empire long struck fear into European hearts.