Good Things, 2003, 
3 min 52 s, colour, sound (music: Götterdämmerung)
Courtesy of Upstream Gallery

The part played by the ‘Gothic’ and post-punk subcultures in the work of the Dutch artist Marc Bijl is as important as political activism. In this work, he appropriates a song recorded by the British post-punk band The Sisters of Mercy in the 1980s and reinterprets it with his own band, Götterdämmerung, as the background sound for a series of images of depressed or half-abandoned outlying areas. Each video shot reveals details of public spaces previously covered in graffiti by the same artist which reproduces the lyrics of the song in their entirety, line by line. The counterpoint between the ‘good things’ the song speaks of and the images of outlying neighbourhoods and ‘non-places’ is an aid to reflection on the role of pop as an instrument of protest.

Joseph Beuys

Joseph Beuys

Dara Birnbaum

Dara Birnbaum

John Sanborn, Kit Fitzgerald (Antarctica)

John Sanborn, Kit Fitzgerald (Antarctica)

Pipilotti Rist

Pipilotti Rist

Bjørn Melhus

Bjørn Melhus

Charley Case

Charley Case

Olaf Breuning

Olaf Breuning

Cheryl Donegan

Cheryl Donegan

Ana Laura Aláez

Ana Laura Aláez

Marc Bijl

Marc Bijl

Carles Congost

Carles Congost

Joan Morey

Joan Morey

 Adel Abidin

Adel Abidin

Hugo Alonso

Hugo Alonso

Charles Atlas

Charles Atlas

Jesús Hernández

Jesús Hernández

César Pesquera

César Pesquera

Jorge Galindo and Santiago Sierra

Jorge Galindo and Santiago Sierra

Today's Stories: Felis <br> Hande Ortaç

Today's Stories: Felis
Hande Ortaç

Inspired by the exhibition Istanbuls Today, Today's Stories series continues with Hande Ortaç's story "Felis"! This series gathers short stories written by authors encouraged by the photographs in the exhibition.

The Horse Figure in Mersad Berber’s Works

The Horse Figure in Mersad Berber’s Works

Mersad Berber (1940-2012), is one of the greatest and the most significant representatives of Bosnian-Herzegovinian and Yugoslav art in the second half of the 20th century. His vast body of expressive and unique works triggered the local art scene’s recognition into Europe as well as the international stage.

Game of Mangala

Game of Mangala

Three figures in Eastern dress are shown in repose against an exotic landscape, smoking pipes and playing mangala. Inventories of the royal collections from 1739 identify the members of this group as the royal eunuch Matthias and two odalisques.