You Are My Sister, 2006
, 3:30 min, color, sound

Courtesy of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York

You Are My Sister is Atlas’ video visualization of the song of the same name by the acclaimed Antony & the Johnsons. Antony’s haunting anthem is paired with Atlas’ processed images of thirteen “NYC Beauties,” whose close-up portraits turn in hypnotic motion. These images were originally processed and projected live by Atlas for the performance piece Turning, a collaboration with Antony & the Johnsons that merged the artists’ distinctive and dramatic styles.

Joseph Beuys

Joseph Beuys

Dara Birnbaum

Dara Birnbaum

John Sanborn, Kit Fitzgerald (Antarctica)

John Sanborn, Kit Fitzgerald (Antarctica)

Pipilotti Rist

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Bjørn Melhus

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Charley Case

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Olaf Breuning

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Cheryl Donegan

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Ana Laura Aláez

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Marc Bijl

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Carles Congost

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Joan Morey

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 Adel Abidin

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Hugo Alonso

Hugo Alonso

Charles Atlas

Charles Atlas

Jesús Hernández

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César Pesquera

César Pesquera

Jorge Galindo and Santiago Sierra

Jorge Galindo and Santiago Sierra

The Golden Horn

The Golden Horn

When regarding the paintings of Istanbul by western painters, Golden Horn has a distinctive place and value. This body of water that separates the Topkapı Palace and the Historical Peninsula, in which monumental edifices are located, from Galata, where westerners and foreign embassies dwell, is as though an interpenetrating boundary.

Unhomely!  <br>Lee Miller

Lee Miller

Pera Museum, in collaboration with Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV), is one of the main venues for this year’s 15th Istanbul Biennial from 16 September to 12 November 2017.

Demons, Symbols, and the Cosmos

Demons, Symbols, and the Cosmos

Beliefs surrounding illness and healing in Byzantium stem from the myths, astrology, and magic practiced around the Mediterranean by Jews, Egyptians, Mesopotamians, and Greeks.