Retrospective of Vivian Ostrovsky: Program 1


Director: Vivian Ostrovsky
USA, 1982, 8', HDD, color
English with Turkish subtitles

From Paris to Berlin, from Amsterdam to Rio, from Jerusalem to New York. With a super 8 camera shooting only at night. Hungarian crooners, Indian tribal chants, opera arias, and an occasional samba make up the sound track of this “hand-held” diary.

Copacabana Beach

Director: Vivian Ostrovsky
USA, 1983, 10', HDD, color
English with Turkish subtitles

A humorous glimpse at what happens every morning on the wavy sidewalks of Copacabana beach. Physical fitness Brazilian style, with a dash of soccer and hints of Carmen Miranda.

Allers Venues

Director: Vivian Ostrovsky
USA, 1984, 12', HDD, color
English with Turkish subtitles 

A month in the country. In summer, a group of friends rent a house in southern France. People come and go, making their way through chickens, dogs and cats. Playful sounds and a whacky collage of music make up the soundtrack.


Director: Vivian Ostrovsky
USA, 2005, 31', HDD, color
English with Turkish subtitles

A celluloid aperitif for the summer combining found footage of seashores using the filmmaker’s own archive of coastal material. Fun and free-associative, the movie ventures to Rio, Miami, Montpellier, the Dead Sea, the Black Sea, and elsewhere, keeping a visual diary of sun-seekers, boardwalk architecture, and celebrity sightings. A beach extravaganza starring, suicidal skiers, soaking tigers, plunging mermaids and much more.

Panel: Rethinking the Archive

Panel: Rethinking the Archive

Panorama: Colombian Highlights

Panorama: Colombian Highlights

Panorama: Emerging Artists

Panorama: Emerging Artists

Panorama: Hambre

Panorama: Hambre

Panorama: Nomadica

Panorama: Nomadica

Panorama: Portraits - KLEX

Panorama: Portraits - KLEX

Panorama: Tech-Myth

Panorama: Tech-Myth

Retrospective of Vivian Ostrovsky: Program 1

Retrospective of Vivian Ostrovsky: Program 1

Retrospective of Vivian Ostrovsky: Program 2

Retrospective of Vivian Ostrovsky: Program 2

Retrospective of Vivian Ostrovsky: Program 3

Retrospective of Vivian Ostrovsky: Program 3

Competition: Analog Works

Competition: Analog Works

Competition: Animation - I

Competition: Animation - I

Competition: Animation - II

Competition: Animation - II

Competition: Between Motion and Stillness

Competition: Between Motion and Stillness

Competition: Essay-I

Competition: Essay-I

Competition: Essay-3

Competition: Essay-3

Competition: Essay - 4

Competition: Essay - 4

Competition: Ethnogeographic

Competition: Ethnogeographic

Competition: First Experiments

Competition: First Experiments

Competition: Found Footage – I

Competition: Found Footage – I

Competition: Fresh Air-I

Competition: Fresh Air-I

Competition: Fresh Air-II

Competition: Fresh Air-II

Competition: Memory Boom

Competition: Memory Boom

Competition: Personal Cinema

Competition: Personal Cinema

Competition: A Machine to Live In

Competition: A Machine to Live In

Special Screening: When Forever Dies

Special Screening: When Forever Dies

Competition: Eyes/Eyes<br>Eyes/Eyes

Competition: Eyes/Eyes

Competition: Ailleurs Partout

Competition: Ailleurs Partout

Competition: The Personal Life of a Hole

Competition: The Personal Life of a Hole

Competition: This is China of a Particular Sort, I Do Not Know

Competition: This is China of a Particular Sort, I Do Not Know

Retrospective of Vivian Ostrovsky: Top Ten Designers

Retrospective of Vivian Ostrovsky: Top Ten Designers

Competition: Autumnal Sleeps

Competition: Autumnal Sleeps

Competition: Inside The Outset - Evoking A Space of Passage

Competition: Inside The Outset - Evoking A Space of Passage

Good News from the Skies

Good News from the Skies

Inspired by the exhibition And Now the Good News, which focusing on the relationship between mass media and art, we prepared horoscope readings based on the chapters of the exhibition. Using the popular astrological language inspired by the effects of the movements of celestial bodies on people, these readings with references to the works in the exhibition make fictional future predictions inspired by the horoscope columns that we read in the newspapers with the desire to receive good news about our day. 

Il Cavallo di Leonardo

Il Cavallo di Leonardo

In 1493, exactly 500 years ago, Leonardo da Vinci was finishing the preparations for casting the equestrian monument (4 times life size), which Ludovico il Moro, Duke of Milan commissioned in memory of his father some 12 years earlier. 

Giorgio de Chirico

Giorgio de Chirico

Giorgio de Chirico was born on July 10, 1888, in Volos, Greece, to an Italian family. His mother, Gemma Cervetto, was from a family of Genoa origin, but most likely she was born in Izmir. His father, Evaristo, was born on June 21, 1841 in the Büyükdere district of Istanbul.